Influence & Impact programme – Who’s it for?

Who is it for?

It is specifically targeted at four key groups:

  • HR Directors in the first three years of their first HRD role

  • HR Directors who have recently left their first HRD role (after working there for some years) and are in a new and unfamiliar organisation

  • Ambitious HR professionals who aspire to be an HRD within the next two years

  • Experienced HR directors who feel they have low confidence or low self-esteem


Influence and Impact programme – objectives and results

What are the objectives?

Influence and Impact is a development programme (and associated set of services) designed to give HR Directors the tools to:

✔ increase influence with their CEOs and senior leadership peers

✔ boost their professional confidence and self-esteem

✔ achieve their objectives within the People and Talent agenda

What are the results?

This will result in you gaining:

Extra Confidence to 1) articulate why the issues you address matter to the business and 2) to persuade key executives to adopt or greenlight your proposals

Greater Clarity on the “big picture” perspective that will enable you to provide the informed counsel your Executive Team need

Increased Energy to drive the accomplishment of the People agenda and achieve your goals, whilst managing your energy sustainably and building your personal resilience

Influence and Impact programme – outcomes and benefits

What are the outcomes for you?

The Influence and Impact programme has been specifically designed for HR Directors, to:

• Build unshakeable confidence in the validity of your voice, your value, and your mission
• Make your job easier and more fulfilling

What are the benefits to you?

Our Influence and Impact programme will enable you to:

✔ Secure the necessary time with your CEO to advance your agenda

✔ Increase your influence with your CEO & Executive Team colleagues

✔ Successfully articulate and advocate the tangible benefits of your “transformational” role

✔ Strengthen the alliances that ensure your Culture, People, and Talent agenda gains traction